Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where does the time go?

So I had every intension of keeping up with the blog this week but, things change. I've had to post process 2 weddings, the kids both started school his week. Hopefully I'll get the wedding pictures done tomorrow night. I'll post some of the pictures with a little how to, and story to go along. Have a great night everyone.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Best Laid Plans

Well, I was going to "live blog" from the last wedding I did on Friday night. BUT a rapidly forming thunder storm kinda changed the plans. Instead of taking our time snapping shots we had about 5 minutes that were rain free. We did what we could. Here is on one of the shots.
Michael and Shanique were great, even as the chairs were being blown away
and the table linens were tossing fine china through the air, they remained calm.
I know of a few brides that would have blown there tops.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Getting Ready

So I spent a portion of the day getting the gear ready for a wedding tomorrow. You never realize just how many batteries it takes to get you through an entire wedding. I'm going to to give the new iPhone a test drive with live mobile blogging. I'll try to post a blog about half way through the wedding with some pictures snapped with the phone. We'll see what happens. .

Here's a shot from a wedding a few months ago

This little guys was a trooper!
f3.2 , 1/320 , ISO 100

Quick little picture for tonight.
Have a good night everyone!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Photo Tip Tuesday "Rule of thirds"

I'm going to start a new series on the blog.

Every Tuesday I'll post a blog about various photo tips. Most tips can be used on any kind of camera from a simple disposable film camera (if anyone still uses them) to a $25,000 medium format camera.

Today's tip is about composition.

The "rule of thirds" is a guide to help photographers easily compose a pleasing more interesting image. If you look in various magazines or around the web you will find plenty of examples of this "rule".

The idea behind this, is that if you place the main subject in one of the intersecting points or along the lines that your photo becomes more balanced and will enable a viewer of the image to interact with it more naturally

The easiest way to remember this, is picture a tic-tac-toe board through your viewfinder or on your LCD display.

(A side note most digital cameras have an option to turn on a "grid" that will be displayed on your LCD screen to help you align your image).

Now that your imaging a tic-tac-toe board, place the main object that your
trying to take a picture of in one of the intersecting points.

For an end result of

Another point to remember is to have your subject moving into the frame or looking into the frame, it will give the subject a sense of movement.

Give it a try the next time you head out to take some shots. Leave a comment below if you think this was helpful or if you have a specific topic you would like covered.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Boston by Sea

Off we go for a ferry ride from Salem to Boston aboard the Salem Ferry.
For those unfamiliar with this ferry, its a large and very stable high speed catamaran that takes riders on a 45 minute ride from the North Shore into Boston Harbor. The stable ride enables you to get some great shots of the Boston skyline.

This shot was from about a quarter mile out into the harbor. I made sure to get this shot on the way into the harbor to avoid any wake in the image and I got lucky that there were no other boats in the foreground for this shot. (I would probably move if I saw this behemoth of a ship coming at me.) Image info : 1/250, f7.1, ISO 160, 28mm, PP with PS-LR2

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Guess who got a new iPhone?

I did!
A little happy birthday gift to myself. This is one heck of a phone and a camera. They always say "the best camera, is the one you have with you". Here are some of the first shots with the new phone.

A little macro shot of a leaf.

My oldest. The light coming through the trees was awesome.

My youngest swimming. Another chance with great light. The sun was bouncing off a white garage wall. Makes for a one huge light box.

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Zues Calendar Shoot

I was asked to take a few photos for the Grey2K calendar for 2010. Please contact Grey2K for information on adoption. My mother has been a great supporter for this organization. She has adopted several grey hounds that have been "put out to pasture" after there no use to the race handlers anymore. Many of these dogs are simply "put down" unless they are adopted. The calendar is a fund raiser for the organization.

Friday, April 18, 2008

Katie and Craig's ::Wedding::

A big congratulation goes out for Mr. and Mrs. Arsenault! These guys we awesome to photograph, I don't think I've seen a more energetic group of wedding goes, and these guys can party long into the night. Ahh to be young again. Just wanted to say thank you for the opportunity to photograph your wedding. Have fun on the cruise!!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mount Wachusett Throw Down

Well another ski/snow board season is coming to a close. However mother nature is trying to hold on as long as possible giving us another 4" over night. Add those 4" to the already 3' base at Wachusett Mountain and it made a great day for the the 2008 Throw Down ski/snow board competition. These guys and girl were crazy! Smith Optics provided a limousine with a rail welded across the roof from bumper to bumper. The goal was to make it across without falling off. Some made it some did not. A few of them were taken away by ski patrol with various broken appendages. Ok now for the real reason I was there! The family and I were there to support my cousin Seth, competing in the pro category. Got to see him make a few runs, but small kids and subfreezing temps don't mix. Great job Seth!! Here are some shots from the day.

Check out other shots from the Throw Down

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter 2008

Happy Easter everyone!
We all had a great day, a little to much chocolate however. Looks like it will be an extra Tums night.
Here are a few of the pictures from the days events. For the full gallery click here.

"The grunge"
"The Boss"

"The Bob"

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Abbie in "highkey" lighting

Hey dad! Lets take some pictures.

My little photo assistant at work.